January 17, 2020

What is ERMI?

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I’ve heard about ERMI, what is it??

ERMI, short for Environmental Relative Moldiness Index, serves as a tool for researchers to gauge the levels and varieties of mold spores within a property. This test involves the collection and analysis of a dust sample. By detecting the DNA of mold present in the dust, it can offer insights into the types of mold spores present. It’s crucial to note (as highlighted on the EPA website) that the ERMI is specifically designed for research purposes only. The EPA strongly advises against its routine use in homes, schools, or other buildings as it hasn’t been validated for general public use.

Additionally, the EPA underscores the importance of evaluating water damage during inspections since moisture problems are often the root cause of most mold issues. Understanding and addressing these moisture issues are critical steps in preventing and managing mold growth within a property.

For further information, see: Indoor Science ERMI Testing

Should I use ERMI to Identify the presence of mould growth in my property??

According to the EPA – NO! The Environmental Relative Moldiness Index, or ERMI, developed by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency researchers, is a research tool and is not recommended for use except as a research tool. It’s intent is not to determine the extent of fungal or microbial growth within a property.

For more information, visit the EPA’s website:
Environmental Relative Moldiness Index fact sheet

In addition, according to the Inspector General from the EPA, “We substantiated the allegation that firms were using the mold index tool although the EPA had not validated the tool for public use. The EPA readily acknowledged that it had not validated or peer reviewed MSQPCR or ERMI for public use. The agency said it considers MSQPCR and ERMI to be research tools not intended for public use.”

This PDF document can be downloaded here:
EPA Inspector General on ERMI